_*smsed: wenjun
_*msned: sinyingg, jiafeng
_*called: hahaha
heheh.. paisehh ehh.. me ytd wanna update de but thenn the com kana snatched awayy byy my stupid sis. lolx~ on fridayy went tuh sinying de house lohh after we went tuh jj to settle our jc thinggs.. lucky dun need go MOE to get the pin numberr if nott I can die lohh.. we went her house tuh eat maggie mee.. againn.. lolx~ then after eatingg we did some cleaning upp cos her maid habenn come backk yet.. then jf help me wash plates and sy help me washh cup.. lolx~ me beryy free rite.. lolx~ then me help sy keep her clothes from the dryer lohh.
then I finally watched my baoo qiing tian which sy mum help me to tape.. lolx~ been one week le.. lolx~ then jf and sy went tuh listen to ringtones and they started downloadingg lohh.. lolx~ wahh the bao qing tian sho excitingg. lolx~ me watch until I very absorbed in it.. lolx~ urm then watchh fiinish le we went online lohh.. saw yongsheng then we talked about the class outing thingyy.. lolx~ its on 20 december at parc vista.. lolx~ then the girls going tuhh stayy overniight at sy house.. me bringing my pajamas there. lolx~ yayy looking forwardd to it.. then maybe will habb chalet also lehh.. wooOOo..
we went into sy de room to chat chat lohh and see neoprints.. lolx~ hahahaha.. chat and chat until we three fall into her bed and lie downn.. lolx~ then that stupid jf lahh.. lolx~ ok i dun say here.. it is so stupid okies.. lolx~ sy should noe wadd i talking aboutt. lolx~ nv watch where she turning de lehh.. lolx~ had a fun tiime with them lohh.. we jus lied on the bed and talked.. jf on mission liao.. then we give her some suggestions also.. most of the time I was jus laming.. lolx~ cos these kinda things I got no experience de.. hahaz.. then next fri we going plaza singapura shop shop.. hahah.. ehh stop here le bahh.. nothing muchh to say le..
maybe jf and me going to workk soon le.. is in a factory.. then we have tuh pack chocolates lohh.. the working hours quite longg lehh.. but they wanna two weeks to one monthh de mahh.. so this job suit us lohh.. the person say he will contact uss againn asap lohh.. see first bahh.. me kinda lazy tuh go workk also.. hhahah.. =pPp
sometiimes the one thingg youu are lookingg forr is the one thingg youu cant see.
sometiimes the heartt sees wadd the eyes cant.
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