today got lots of photos to show u all.. taken with sinyingg and ouyangg de.. at heeren and bugis..


no fightingg worr!

took at heeren

wishingg wishhing
lookk at sinyingg face

tweetz =)

merryy christmass!!

at heeren todayy
today jus a short entry kays? went out with ouyang to bugis and heeren.. to take neo lohh.. hahaz.. on the way there i saw jinhuaa againn.. l0lx~ so farnie.. always see him de lehh.. hahaz.. then i gave the books to sienwei.. and the present to vic..
me and ouyang wei le victor de present dun noe do how many things lohh.. hahaz.. and all are stupidd things.. l0lx~ we throw all our face away le.. at the toilet there.. hahaz.. saw two shuai ges todayy only.. then i met one veryy cute shopkeeper.. thats about all le.. had great fun todayy..
heard that pao kor going to treat me and ouyangg to mArchE worr!! so exictedd.. thanks ahh kor.. l0lx~ then ouyang going to treat me eat steamboat.. oh arent I luckky? l0lx~ send the neo to dear le.. hahaz.. ouyangg help scan de.. thanks worr.. l0lx~ jinhuaa!! teachh me the route to interchange worr!! =X
tmls going bbq at parc vista.. class gatheringg.. hahaz.. excited norhx.. l0lx~ my son say somedayy he will treat me eat things.. l0lx~ i am basking in happiness.. l0lx~ all treat me so good nehh! hahaz


no fightingg worr!

took at heeren


tweetz =)

merryy christmass!!

at heeren todayy
today jus a short entry kays? went out with ouyang to bugis and heeren.. to take neo lohh.. hahaz.. on the way there i saw jinhuaa againn.. l0lx~ so farnie.. always see him de lehh.. hahaz.. then i gave the books to sienwei.. and the present to vic..
me and ouyang wei le victor de present dun noe do how many things lohh.. hahaz.. and all are stupidd things.. l0lx~ we throw all our face away le.. at the toilet there.. hahaz.. saw two shuai ges todayy only.. then i met one veryy cute shopkeeper.. thats about all le.. had great fun todayy..
heard that pao kor going to treat me and ouyangg to mArchE worr!! so exictedd.. thanks ahh kor.. l0lx~ then ouyang going to treat me eat steamboat.. oh arent I luckky? l0lx~ send the neo to dear le.. hahaz.. ouyangg help scan de.. thanks worr.. l0lx~ jinhuaa!! teachh me the route to interchange worr!! =X
tmls going bbq at parc vista.. class gatheringg.. hahaz.. excited norhx.. l0lx~ my son say somedayy he will treat me eat things.. l0lx~ i am basking in happiness.. l0lx~ all treat me so good nehh! hahaz
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