this is the card-like letter jf drew for me for my really very very very super duper belated birthday. haha.. its like a composition right. but i was realli damn touched. as i read the letter my tears almost flow out and it brought back lots of pleasant and funny memories like the area of rectangle and the classic ' jerking and pinching' which ms tan said. hmm. i think i will never ever forget those memories.
finally got to meet my darling oy on last sunday. dating her out is even harder than dating the gods. lol. had lots of fun time shopping together although i kept complaining that my feet was tired and i kept whining. lol. had marche for dinner and of cos my favourite rosti!
jf told me something shocking today. i was really very shocked. but what shocked me most was the person who said this. a leopard really doesnt change its spots i guess. i am glad that i can trust my friends with secrets i noe they will keep well.
this week will be a very busy week preparing some things. a date that is very important to me is coming. and i hope to make it memorable. (:
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